While you pursued your medical degree and when you acquired an electronic health record or other major medical equipment for your practice, you probably considered them an investment in both yourself and your practice. A smart marketing plan is an investment. It attracts, sustains and grows your patient base. Need more convincing?
I’ve worked with hundreds of physician specialists on strategic marketing matters. In the beginning, many of them saw marketing as an expense. But by the end of our initiatives, most of them rethought their views and saw marketing for what it is: an investment in the health of their practice.
Here is what changed their minds:
Marketing drives new patients through your doors.
I’ve spent the entirety of my 30+ year career in marketing running regional and national brands at the likes of General Mills and Marshfield Clinic. No matter what organization I worked with, no other business function is focused on getting patients to choose you like marketing is— not accounting, not finance, not compliance, not Lab— no function, except marketing.
Only marketing has the power to help attract, sustain and grow your patient base.
Marketing builds awareness and traffic.
Physicians often assume that I solely focus on reaching out to one audience— new patients. However, considering new patients are only one part of a marketing plan. Smart marketing considers your fertile “influencers” too: referring physicians and your existing patient base.
After investing your whole being into your practice, marketing is the next step.
Marketing creates preference.
The healthcare marketplace is so complex and unique. Not every health plan allows the patient to choose their physician specialist. Still, basic marketing practices can and should be applied to create preference--- like preference for your practice.
Patients and referring physicians who do have a “choice” will choose you. Remember, your marketing message isn’t so much about competing with other practices. Your message is about relevantly distinguishing your practice from others.
Marketing positions your practice ahead of others.
You are probably and rightly more focused on your patients than marketing. But what do you know about your competitors? A strategic marketing consultant like me can help you identify and evaluate each competitor.
How good is their service versus yours? Is there a material or functional difference that matters in the minds of your current and prospective patients? I’m here to help you diagnose and remedy your marketing challenges and opportunities.
Done properly, marketing builds your brand.
Marketing isn’t something that goes to work for three months, then goes on hiatus for years. If you want the results and rewards, you have to let marketing build your brand over time. Be sure your marketing expert creates a relevant message that repeats who you are and what you stand for.
Patients will choose you because they’ve seen your marketing. They believe your message. And if they were contemplating another physician, your stronger brand will break the tie.
Marketing is your most important business function.
When marketing is executed the right way, it taps your patients on the shoulder. It nudges your fellow physician network to remember you when a referral is needed. It motivates your medical relationships to think of you and work with you. Marketing is the most important business function for the short-term and long-term success of your practice — and your brand.
Remember, only marketing has the power to help attract, sustain and grow your patient base.
Achieve something special.
Al Chaney is an independent marketing consultant who possesses 30+ years of deep experience in growing national and regional brands in healthcare, consumer packaged goods and not-for-profit sectors. Contact Al to elevate your marketing and brand. And, achieve something special.